Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Seriously considering inventing ice gloves and socks for cooling off

Fairbanks summer weather is usually the hottest weather in the state - and I am feeling it! OMG I am one hot eskimo! haha - not like OMG that woman is HOT - more like OMG that woman needs something fast or she is going to have a heat stroke! I know - some of you are thinking, "C'Mon! get real! Fairbanks is not too bad right now." I know - I am surviving. It just feels like I am a little out of my element and didn't bring too much "juss hut!" clothing to wear. (Two jeans???) lol

This was more to rant, I am not serious about the ice gloves and socks...or am I??
Enjoy the hot weather while you can - I know I will - when it get too hot I just picture how Fairbanks is during winter and think - this is not too bad. Not too bad at all

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Trading some time with family to complete classes - tough.

Unlike those in urban communities, when a distance ed student needs certain classes only offered on campus one must leave family behind and travel sometimes a great distance to complete the class. On Saturday June 13th I had to leave my children to attend a class in Fairbanks. I sure wish I could have brought them with me but the cost of travel within Alaska is almost two times more than one would pay to go out of state. The class is starting out very well, with 9 other students in a post-baccalarette program. I commend them for their stamina - they are doing a whole set of two week classes together. One of them has a 3 week old baby. My first day was okay, the second evening (yesterday) I was sighing and calling home. My daughter teased me asking if I was going to cry - I just responded YES! I miss you guys! Most of the people I knew when studying on campus are not here - it feels almost empty. There are a couple people here which is such a relief but - I miss my babies!