Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

My Christmas Spirit was in low supply when out of the blue my Godchild Alyssa and my nephew Jayden, who calls me mom, asked to camp for the night and insisted that we put up my Christmas tree. I was not in the mood but after a couple minutes I gave in and helped put the tree together and put the lights and the garland Jayden chose. They took care of the rest. What a blessing they are!! Seeing the lights and the decorations brightened my mood. After that was done they commenced to ask when the cookies we make each year will be made. We made a batch yesterday and more will be made today after school. With all the negative things happening it was hard to notice the positive. The boiler is down again after finally being fixed last month, the washer is leaking, my neighbors are drinking more frequently than usual with their fighting and crying, and I was not able to work much - you get the picture. Suffice it to say that whenever things get dismal my children add a spark of childhood pleasure that fades the negativity away. I hope you and yours do the same for you. Wishing you all the best in this Holiday season!


skipvia said...

Hi Nastasia;

That's the nicest Christmas greeting I have had in some time--straight from the heart. I love this time of year.

Marry Christmas to all of your family. I have a hunch it's going to be a very special one for you.

Rural Teacher said...

Thank you Skip! Same to you! I know it is going to be a great one - my son and granddaughter's first Christmas - a very special event