Saturday, September 1, 2007

Here is my Sense of Russian Mission slideshow project. I did not know we had to put titles on the slideshow and do not know how that could be done

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


skipvia said...

Nastasia, this is a beautiful slide show. The pictures are excellent and your descriptions of each photo give the viewer a good sense of what is happening in the photo. I think I may have confused you about the titles--what I meant was that your pictures should have descriptions that explain them, and yours clearly meet that requirement.

I loved the pictures of the smokehouses...

Margaret Avugiak said...

Cool pictures Nass! Good work. I like your fishcamp pictures. Your uppa reminds me of my father. The pictures of the fish make me hungry!! Nice job!!

darleneulak said...

Hi Nas,
You did a beautiful job, I really like your pictures, the one w/the moose was gorgeous. Good Job!

Aanaq Nick- Back at Home said...

Hi Nastasia, Beautiful Country!! I really like your pictures. I bet it's a blast picking berries there. Sue