Friday, May 22, 2009

2009 another year of the flood...and I am missing the adventures!

My daughter Maxine is having the time of her life this spring enjoying the unique activities that the spring flood has brought. She has canoed the airstrip, tried catching ducks with a 22, took a ride to the watertower hill to take pictures of the lower village, coming home will all kinds of awesome stories while I sit exhausted from working. lol it is not as bad as that but I still could not help wishing I was able to do some of those things. My aunt, the store manager is sick and I am subbing for her. Don't get me wrong I love the fact that I am earning some money but I don't know of anyone who would trade working in a building with no windows to canoeing what a week ago was dry land or taking a ride to a hillside and enjoying the view. Ahh....the joys of adult responsibilities. I got dibs on summer and fall to be outside!!!!

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