Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My little nephew bringing smiles

My Nephew turned two in August...we didn't catch the really really want to squeeze him one...but this still makes us smile everytime we watch it...hope it brightens your days. Have a great week.


skipvia said...

That is ONE CUTE KID! Actually, there are two cute kids there.

Great video. Thanks for sharing!

Rural Teacher said...

Yes, they are both very precious little boys. Jayden, the quiet one on the left, just seen the imovie for the first time. He is very shy,just turned 5 in September. Marcus seen the movie maker a lot - was probably getting tired of us trying to repeat the song his mom taught him. They are both very adorable. When Jayden was smaller he would always be with us, even calls me mom. Marcus stays with his parents more but still my girls like to "borrow" him.